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Old 11-08-2012, 04:12 PM   #31
Illegal Use Of Hands
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Let's see, as president the only thing Obama did regading guns was passing a law that allows you to take one onto National Parks (somehow that was included in the bill that reformed credit card abuse). Looks like the NRA just got a bunch of dumb rubes to buy more guns and ammo. I hear Glenn Beck's getting a ranch!

Still, I'm glad that the the GOP members on this site are, at least, not religious nut jobs, I'm making that assumption based on the no hang-ups of hobbying for pussy, and the, most-likely, infedelity.

Party on, Grand Ol' Party!
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Old 11-08-2012, 07:53 PM   #32
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Default Maobama

First, I would like to thank Mr Smith111 for his deep academic research and subsequent post of results, saved me a lot of time and energy. now, fueled by several glasses of fine boxed Merlot, here goes.

I am a conservative Libertarian. For you LEFT WING NUTS, yes, you guys exist even though the alphabet media is trying to control all definitions. For example:

All conservative retired military (yours truly included) are considered to be potential terrorists, but Islamic extremists are not. Sibelious and Napolitano. Also, we are VERY likely to join extreme right wing organizations. I personally am a Life Member of the VFW. I am also a 90% disabled Viet Nam Vet.

Everything a conservative says is racist, code words for racism, or according to Chris Matthews, quoting Maobama's own words is now considered racist.

Bush #43 forbid US involvement in the United Nations smalls arms treaty negotiations. One of the first things Maobama did after taking office was to have his UN ambassador join in the negotiations.

When you LEFT wing nuts quit drinking the kool aid, educate yourselves to the point you can see there several sides to most problems, carry on an intellectual conversation, and end your apparently terminal rectal-cranial congruence, we will be able to carry on with adult discourse.
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Old 11-08-2012, 10:06 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111 View Post

Here's the truth that you need to know right now:
Obama's Past Proves His Future Anti-Gun Plans
Barack Obama and his national media cheerleaders will never admit it, but Obama has spent his entire political career—over 16 years—proposing, promoting or secretly supporting the most radical anti-firearm-freedom policies you can imagine.
Gun bans. Ammunition bans. Punitive taxes on firearms and ammunition. Bans on the use of firearms in self-defense, even in your own home.
I hope you weren’t fooled by the Obama campaign's slick slogans and promises to protect your rights. I hope your friends, family and fellow gun owners and hunters weren’t fooled. Don't believe the lies put out by the "mainstream" media lie to you, either.
The Obama re-election machine will try to downplay or deny Obama's lifelong history of attacking your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms—and then the national media will swear to those lies— Here let’s set the record straight by citing chapter and verse of the truth.
And the documented truth is that his proposals, his votes, his positions and his public statements over the years all prove that Barack Obama is the most anti-gun president ever to occupy the Oval Office.
Just look at Obama's history:
· Obama supports ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of all handguns (1996).
· Obama endorses ban on the sale or transfer of all semi-automatic firearms (1998).
· Obama supports 500 percent, increase in taxes on both guns and ammunition (1999).
· Obama proposes banning gun stores within five miles of any school or park (1999).
· Obama co-sponsors legislation limiting gun purchases to "one gun a month" ('999).
· Obama serves on board of directors of the radically anti-gun Joyce Foundation (1994-2002). • Obama votes to ban hundreds of common, conventional rifles and shotguns (2003).
· Obama votes to prosecute victims who use guns for self-defense in their homes (2004).
· Obama backs federal law to abolish Right-to-Carry nationwide (2004). • Obama votes to ban common rifle ammunition (2005).
· Obama votes to expose U.S. gun industry to potentially bankrupting lawsuits (2005).
· Obama votes to reject pro-Second Amendment Supreme Court Justices John Roberts and Samuel Alito (2005 and 2006).
· Obama supports Washington, D.C., ban on guns in the home for self-defense and refuses to sign bipartisan "friend of the court" brief urging Supreme Court to overturn it (2008).
· Obama votes to jeopardize federal criminal investigations by opening up sensitive BATFE gun-trace data for manipulation by anti-gun politicians (2008).
If you think that's bad, well, let me tell you something, you ain't se nothin' yet. Because those are just things Obama did before he occupied the Oval Office.
Since then, he's continued to indulge his contempt for your right to keep and bear arms—sometimes openly, sometimes covertly, but always with an eye to the long-term goal.
Obama's First Term Sets The Stage For His Second Act: Second Amendment Rampage
Although Obama tried to run from anti-gun record throughout his 2c election campaign, as soon as he'd won the election, he went back to anti-gun roots.
For example, Obama recently admitted—once again—his desire to re-impose the failed Clinton semi-automatic gun bans, a policy that he has supported, either quietly or covertly, since the day he won the presidency.
For evidence, all you had to do look at the Obama transition tear website—at change.gov—which I one of the incoming president's agenda items, "making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.”
The Obama administration's bigotry was on full display even its employment application questionnaire which asked applicants, "Do you members of your immediate family own a gun? If so, provide complete ownership and registration information. Has the registration ever lapsed? Please also describe how and by whom it is used and whether it has been the cause of any personal injuries or property damage”
Obama’s stance on your firearms and freedom was also clear from the anti-gun, anti-hunting radicals he appointed to his cabinet.
From Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, to regulatory czar Cass Sunstein—who said that all sport hunting should be banned—to Attorney General Eric Holder, whose contempt for your gun rights ended up with him being found in contempt of Congress. It isn't hard to see what Obama has in mind and the lengths he's willing to go to take your guns.
Consider this string of seemingly unrelated events:
Less than three months after his presidential inauguration, Obama claimed that Mexico’s drug war "is being waged with guns purchased in the United States ... more than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States ..”
Almost simultaneously, officials throughout Washington were suddenly all spouting the same 90 percent nonsense, from Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder to U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Dick Durbin.
Conspiracy To Excise Second Amendment Freedom?
Behind the scenes, the Obama Justice Department was engaged in a deadly scheme dubbed "Operation Fast and Furious” in which agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives allowed thousands and thousands of firearms to "walk" across the border into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.
There was no coordination with Mexican authorities. Thousands of firearms were allowed to simply disappear—that is, until they turned up at crime scenes on both sides of the border, including hundreds of killings in Mexico, and the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
The Justice Department officials used "Fast and Furious" to try to make Obama’s claim true—that 90 percent of the crime guns in Mexico come from the United States.
They have used the hundreds of murders committed with "Fast and Furious" guns as justification for Obama's order imposing gun registration on rifle buyers in four Southwestern states.
If "Fast and Furious" was just an innocent but misguided screw-up —as Attorney General Holder repeatedly claimed—then why did he refuse to release subpoenaed documents and stonewall Congress for well over a year?
If the scheme had no ulterior motive and no supervision or even knowledge from above, as Holder and Obama repeatedly claimed, then why did Obama invoke "executive privilege" to block the release of thousands of White House documents related to the scandal?
What are the president and the attorney general hiding? Why are they so afraid of revealing the truth?
And why have they shown such a clear contempt for the rule of law in so many ways over the past four years?
If they really want to protect the American people, why have they refused to enforce federal immigration laws? Why have they allowed Mexico's violent drug cartels to infest hundreds of American communities?
If they really want to reduce armed violent crime, then why did prosecutions of federal gun crimes bottom out on their watch?
Obama got re-elected and we’ll never know the truth.
An Anti-Gun Supreme Court Can Take Your Guns Without A Fight
In his first term, Barack Obama has stacked the U.S. Supreme Court with two of the most radically anti-gun justices in the U.S. history—Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.
During Senate confirmation hearings, both Sotomayor and Kagan used the same code phrase—"settled law"—to suggest they would support the precedent, set by the Court in District of Columbia v. Heller, that the Second Amendment is your fundamental individual right.
Yet after she was confirmed to the Supreme Court by the U.S. Senate, Justice Sotomayor showed her true colors and did just the opposite of what she'd said, voting in McDonald v. Chicago to allow big-city bureaucrats to deny the Second Amendment rights of residents!
And if Elena Kagan's past history is any indication, I'll bet you she'll do the same thing the first chance she gets.
But here's the much bigger and more frightening point: Both of our recent landmark victories for the Second Amendment in the U.S. Supreme Court have been won by a margin of just one vote.
If just one Supreme Court justice had voted the other way, both of those victories for firearm freedom would have been profound, permanent and precedent-setting defeats.
Worse yet, now that Obama won re-election on Nov. 6, over the next four years he will very likely get to appoint three more Supreme Court justices.
Do the math yourself: Your Second Amendment rights are finished.
Together with anti-gun Sotomayor and Kagan, Obama’s next three justices could command strong majority rule over the Supreme Court for a generation or more.
An Obama-stacked Supreme Court will not protect your 2nd Amendment rights from a United Nations gun-ban treaty that denies you those rights.
An Obama Supreme Court will not overrule the president – he will continue to abuse executive privilege, exploit executive power and refuse to abide by the rule of law.
With four more years your firearm freedoms are gone. And we’ll spend the rest of our lives mourning the freedom we’ve lost.
This intrusion on freedom is the same kind of Obama arrogance that says, "I know better than you how you should live your life."
Every freedom we cherish Americans is endangered -- Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
It's all on the line: Your firearms, your freedoms, all of the principles and solemn ideals have made America a beacon of hope for people around the world for centuries—it's all in danger of being lost now that Obama has won re-election.
I am impressed Smith. Your brain actually does work for something other than a GPS to find new pussy. If I ever decided to start drinking again the first beer I buy will be for you.
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Old 11-09-2012, 05:17 AM   #34
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Thanks Mr Smith for taking the time to post that up.
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Old 11-09-2012, 11:51 AM   #35
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Umm are you not at all concerned with what he will do after the election??
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Old 11-09-2012, 12:05 PM   #36
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The promise to Putin to further dis-arm us and our European allies has been reported by the alphabet media so only the most die-hard Left Wingnuts will still deny it or blame it all on Fox and the great right wing conspiracy Hillary loved to talk about.
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Old 11-09-2012, 12:59 PM   #37
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And his unemployment rate will be well above 8% shortly after his re-inauguration

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Old 11-12-2012, 04:30 PM   #38
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It's quiet in here,,,,,,, too quiet,,,, like the calm before the storm. Has anyone seen rj?
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Old 11-12-2012, 05:08 PM   #39
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shhh, crickets chirping.....
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Old 11-12-2012, 10:19 PM   #40
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Ever heard the old saying, "Be careful what you wish for?"
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Old 11-13-2012, 11:17 AM   #41
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Well, back from along weekend and can finally respond to all your whinings about our re-elected president. I must say I really like the sound of that.

First of all, to all you rubes who actually believed that copy and paste job was actually research, it actually came from a right wing blogger site and as usual is full of speculation and half truths in an effort to fulfill the preconceived narrative that Obama has a gun control agenda.

I'm not sure where to begin because in typical wing nut style several of you have thrown out random brain farts you have read from bloggers on the right that you have never bothered to verify. Most of which have nothing to do with gun control issues. The reason you don't bother to verify anything is because it is more work and it's much easier to just go to a blog site and believe what you want to believe anyway. So, you just pick up shit on the internet and run with it because reading and verifying is counter to the banal lifestyle of the wing nut. Guys, I have a secret to share with you. Not everything you read on the web is true!! I feel like the parent who just had to tell their child there is no Santa Claus. I'm sorry I had to break that to you, but oh well. So Gomez Adams you seem to be unable to differentiate between original thought and a copy and paste job. So now we know who is really afflicted with "rectal cranial Syndrome" don't we. Since you have now proven yourself to be an idiot, any posting you make will be irrelevant. Maybe you need to upgrade that wine so it will quit rotting your mind. Enjoy your popcorn fucktard.

I'll start with the Smith post which seems to be heroic to many of you. My original statement was the Dems and Obama have no appetite for a gun control fight. It has not been in the Dem platform in many years and Obama will not start a fight there without the backing of the party. What you think Obama think is irrelevant. That copy and pasted blog goes into shit that happened back in 1996 through 2008 before the Obama presidency. So all that old history does nothig to refute my original premise that Obama has no gun control agenda except in the paranoid little minds of the right wing.

The Dem party has bigger battles to fight that they can actually win. They cannot win a gun control fight and they know it, so relax. The "colored guy" is not going to take your guns.The Republican party just keeps feeding you this crap so you'll remain angry old white men who will support their agenda.

Some one posted a comment on gun info request on an employment application; Again WRONG! This whole story came from a questionnaire in an army company in Kentucky. The commander asked the questions be answered because there had been accidental discharge incidents on base with non GI weapons. He was actually trying to discern if the people who owned personal weapons needed additional training on them since there was a death involved in one of the accidental discharges. The questionnaire was distributed to 110 out of 29000 personnel. The order was later rescinded by the base commander as a bad idea. So, all you Obama haters take a chill pill. He had nothing to do with it.Of course the wing nuts and right wing radio picked it up and ran with it as if Obama was the second coming of Hitler. Aren't you sorry you brought this up. It's a little embarassing when the facts actually come out and make a fool out of you isn't it.

Fast and Furious: We don't know the real story here because it is still under investigation. I know..I know Rush says all the facts are in. Well, they're not. The Executive Privledge is something I too find distasteful, but at least I'm willing to wait for facts to be uncovered before I pronounce anyone guilty. The wing nuts have already made up their paranoid little minds and won't be deterred by anythig less that someone who agrees with them. To you, I recommend seeking a qualified medical professional who can prescribe some medication to help with the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. I wish you the best.

The Arms Treat Talks: Another brain fart was posted about this and the connections with 2nd ammendment issues. This treaty has NOTHING to do with domestic gun control, period. It's a treaty to combat illicit International arms. You know, the kind the terrorists have. In fact, the treaty EXPLICITLY respects the right of every sovereign nation to control domestics arms within their borders as they see fit. Did you forget to post that part rlbg64? It kinda makes a difference!!

We all this debunking is making me a little tired. I'm sure there will be some new comments. Please don't just post right wing blogger shit again folks. I'll find it and and then you'll have another new asshole to go with this one.

In closing, I have enjoyed the past week of watching the Republicants devouring each other and finger pointing because they lost to "the colored guy." I mean who would have tought you could spend $1 Billion and lost to a street thug from Chicago. lol.
I mean just because you have a misogynistic, homophobic bigoted party, you would think $1 Billion could cover that tab. Guess not eh?

See you in a few days. Heading out to H town to do an all nighter with a gorgeous young lady I have met before. Ahh..life's good.
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Old 11-13-2012, 01:42 PM   #42
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You are right, I didn't investigate all of what I copied and pasted, but, I knew you would, and while it may not all be spot on, can you say that the gun control info on that is all wrong? You are also right that the democrats have pretty much left gun control alone lately, because they were losing elections because of it. All we really have to go on is the past when it comes to what will happen in the future, and a president that has a past of being pro gun control is likely to be more aggressive when it comes to it and he's not looking at being re elected.
Also, liberal supreme court justices are very likely to be anti gun. I don't think you can argue much with that.

I can't speak for everyone, but I have not refered to Obama as the "colored guy", and my opposing him has nothing to do with that. It does annoy me that every time a conservative speaks out against anyone , or disagrees with a liberal the first thing that happens is he is called a racist or a wing nut.

I feel like there are just as many goofballs on the left. We have a whole group of people on the left that expect everything from government, and figure someone else will foot the bill.
I don't want to pay higher taxes, but I'm sure I will.
I don't want my children to inherit this incredible debt, but I'm sure they will, and I fear what the debt will be by the time Obama has spent 4 more years in office.
Here is where most democrats will jump on the it's Bush fault bandwagon, and some of that is true, but I think after 4 years that is about worn out. Obama's next 4 years will fall on him,,, even though the blame will be on the republican majority in the house in the liberals eyes.
Through the Bush years were there even any democrats involved in government? You wouldn't think so the way the democrats throw stones at that era of government.

I'm not going to get into all the speculation about all of the other things concerning our president that seems to have no past. LOL,,, You're waiting for that one. I think just his basic philosophy and the way he has handled things from debt to the wars, to the borders, are not what I want.

I said over a year ago that I thought Obama would be re elected because the republicans failed to come up with a candidate that had enough sex appeal to win in a youtube, twitter, instant access world we live in today. If they plan on winning the next one we need to get a rock star type candidate, which is hard to find.
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Old 11-13-2012, 03:55 PM   #43
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Oh, one more thing. If you were a true democrat rj you would not take advantage of that girl and spend a night with her, you would put her in college, on welfare, and give her housing all on the taxpayer, and help her out of this life that some republican must have forced her into. LMAO,,, have fun my friend
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Old 11-13-2012, 10:58 PM   #44
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Typical liberal Obama retard repeating everything from MSNBC. If you don't agree with Obama's politics you must be racist and must be a Republican. I dont cling to either party's rhetoric. All you Obama zombies are going to get everything you ask for. He is going to continue to shut down coal plants which will double or triple energy rates all in the name of "the environment." He will begin to take away gun rights as he alluded in his debate where he said that people are dying in his neighborhood from handguns. He will continue his unconstitutional "kill list" via his drone army. No trials for alleged "terrorists" just killing them with drone strikes. It sets the precedent that it's ok to start doing it domestically. It's laughable that he campaigned in 08 against the wars, gets the Nobel Peace prize soon after his election, then not only continues the wars but expands them into Africa. Then there is the tragedy in Benghazi which he totally dropped the ball on and Americans died because of his inaction. I could go on and on about Obama and his transgressions, but I am eager to hear Liberal spin on Obama and his actions.
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Old 11-15-2012, 01:45 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111 View Post
You are right, I didn't investigate all of what I copied and pasted, but, I knew you would, and while it may not all be spot on, can you say that the gun control info on that is all wrong? You are also right that the democrats have pretty much left gun control alone lately, because they were losing elections because of it. All we really have to go on is the past when it comes to what will happen in the future, and a president that has a past of being pro gun control is likely to be more aggressive when it comes to it and he's not looking at being re elected.
Yes they were losing elections because of it, I agree. That's why I feel certain they won't touch it for the forseeable future. The one thing that is certain in politics is change. So, I'll just disagree with your statement that the past is a good predictor of the future.

Also, liberal supreme court justices are very likely to be anti gun. I don't think you can argue much with that.
If you look at theSupreme court, the most likely candidates to be replaced by Obama are Ginsburg and Breyer. Replacing them will not change the balance on the court. They are both more liberal.

I can't speak for everyone, but I have not refered to Obama as the "colored guy", and my opposing him has nothing to do with that. It does annoy me that every time a conservative speaks out against anyone , or disagrees with a liberal the first thing that happens is he is called a racist or a wing nut.

I feel like there are just as many goofballs on the left. We have a whole group of people on the left that expect everything from government, and figure someone else will foot the bill.
I don't want to pay higher taxes, but I'm sure I will.
I don't want my children to inherit this incredible debt, but I'm sure they will, and I fear what the debt will be by the time Obama has spent 4 more years in office.
Here is where most democrats will jump on the it's Bush fault bandwagon, and some of that is true, but I think after 4 years that is about worn out. Obama's next 4 years will fall on him,,, even though the blame will be on the republican majority in the house in the liberals eyes.
Through the Bush years were there even any democrats involved in government? You wouldn't think so the way the democrats throw stones at that era of government.
Historically, budget deficits are always greatest coming out of recessions/depressions because of the need for the government trying to stimulate more growth through deficit spending. This one is no different. And YES, we are showing a larger deficit in part because Bush kept both wars off budget. Obama had the sense to put them on the budget which has hurt him politically. Taxes: right now I am paying the lowest tax rate in my life time and I make a pretty good living. I expect I will be paying more. I will gladly help if it gets unemployment under 4% where it was when Clinton was president. That will be good for everyone.

I'm not going to get into all the speculation about all of the other things concerning our president that seems to have no past. LOL,,, You're waiting for that one. I think just his basic philosophy and the way he has handled things from debt to the wars, to the borders, are not what I want.
The debt I think he has handled responsibly, given the effort to stimulate the economy. The wars: I say get the fuck out NOW!

I said over a year ago that I thought Obama would be re elected because the republicans failed to come up with a candidate that had enough sex appeal to win in a youtube, twitter, instant access world we live in today. If they plan on winning the next one we need to get a rock star type candidate, which is hard to find.
The Repubs need to get off the social issues being dictated to them by the religious right. That is what lost them this election. You can't even win with "rock star" looks as long as they continue to piss off women, hispanics and gays (who are supported overwhelmingly by young voters)

Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111 View Post
Oh, one more thing. If you were a true democrat rj you would not take advantage of that girl and spend a night with her, you would put her in college, on welfare, and give her housing all on the taxpayer, and help her out of this life that some republican must have forced her into. LMAO,,, have fun my friend
This beauty is on "the rj work study program." She works me, I study her, tuition gets paid. lol

Originally Posted by rlbg64 View Post
Typical liberal Obama retard repeating everything from MSNBC. If you don't agree with Obama's politics you must be racist and must be a Republican. I dont cling to either party's rhetoric. All you Obama zombies are going to get everything you ask for. He is going to continue to shut down coal plants which will double or triple energy rates all in the name of "the environment." He will begin to take away gun rights as he alluded in his debate where he said that people are dying in his neighborhood from handguns. He will continue his unconstitutional "kill list" via his drone army. No trials for alleged "terrorists" just killing them with drone strikes. It sets the precedent that it's ok to start doing it domestically. It's laughable that he campaigned in 08 against the wars, gets the Nobel Peace prize soon after his election, then not only continues the wars but expands them into Africa. Then there is the tragedy in Benghazi which he totally dropped the ball on and Americans died because of his inaction. I could go on and on about Obama and his transgressions, but I am eager to hear Liberal spin on Obama and his actions.
You know rlbg64, you are the type that causes the republicans to be hated. I post facts about your idiotic post and your response is to revert to name calling. I think we all know who's been drinking the "Jimmy Jones" juice around here. Post something factual and maybe I'll pay attention to you. You would think after being embarassed by your ignorance in the previous post you would STFU. You have just established youself as fucktard #2 in this thread. As Ron White says: "you can't fix stupid."
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