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Old 12-08-2013, 07:57 PM   #1
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Default Movin' On

It was dangerous lunacy, but it was also the kind of thing a real connoisseur of edge work could make an argument for. HST

We all evolve. We all do things we are not particularly proud of and sooner or later Karma rears its ugly head. I've had a great time. I've met a lot of great people and had the pleasure of spending time with some very intoxicatingly beautiful women whom I otherwise would have never had the privilege to met, let alone sleep with but it's time to move on. Mixed into this diatribe from a confused, exhausted vicodin and scotch soaked perverted mind is my final review. It's a review of my ideal encounter and truth be told it happened, just not with one provider but with few over the course of my venture to the dark side. Everything that is said is true and for those with whom this occurred, you will recognized your part(s).

There is no cure for what poisons me, only a brief respite from the pain when I am with her, yet her touch cripples me. Taking off our clothes and fucking, that's the easy part. Sharing one another's hopes, dreams, and fears, that's the hard part...being naked. I believe her when she tells me that everything is going to be ok. I believe her when she tells that I don't have to be that guy anymore. I can just be me and she's ok with that.

She's untamed and floors me with 50 different kinds of mmmmmmm.

Truth is I'm tired of the game. Fuck I never played fair to begin with and I haven't been exposed to this much drama since acting classes in high school. You wanna be me? You can have it my friend and all the baggage that comes with it. Being the poster boy for bad behavior is not all its cracked up to be.

It used to really piss me off when hobbiest wouldn't review providers that they have seen. How else can a new hobbiest make informed decisions? We should be able to rely upon one another but unfortunately there is that element out there who feels that it is their job to police the rest of us. These folks are in my mind as dangerous as law enforcement themselves. It is not my fault, nor the providers fault if your session[s] does not play out scene by scene like mine do. I learned a very valuable lessons a long time ago while I was growing up in a household full of women. Fuck her mind and her body will follow. I was surrounded by women my entire childhood. 5 sisters can teach you a lot about what makes women tick and how they expect to be treated. These women who provide a service to us are human beings, with feelings and emotions. Granted, we are paying them for a service but that does not give us the okay to be pricks. I wonder what they would say about each one of us if they had the opportunity to post reviews on their clients or even respond to their own reviews.

I've always been a big proponent of buy local and supportive of small business. Hell when I fly I even fly out of DSM rather then drive to KC or Omaha to save a few bucks. Same holds true for providers. It seems as the economy worsened, the number of providers who showed on BP with cut rate deals came to DSM more and more. You know the kind of chick I'm talking about. They are the Wal-Mart of providers offering price roll backs just to get you into the door, seeing 10-12 guys a day with barely enough time between appointments to scrub Johhny Utah's DNA off of themselves before you're knocking on her door. Look, I get the whole variety is the spice of life, I think we all do otherwise we'd all be curled up at home with our girlfriends or wives. I get it. What I don't get is why someone would choose a backpage chick, a non local backpage chick and risk getting robbed, scammed or a plethora of other bad shit that could happen because her pictures look good (which are more then likely fake) and she's a bit cheaper then your local established and verified provider. I'm not referring to those top shelf traveling ladies who have always included DSM as a stop on their tours...God bless them, but to chose a unknown over an established, quality provider is more then my mind can wrap itself around and if we're not careful and do not support our local providers consistently, it wont be long before they disappear altogether.

Her lap is warm, welcoming. It feels like it's the safest place on earth. Her hands hold my head, caressing me. Her touch sending waves of calmness throughout my body. I wonder if she knows. My eyes open and I'm staring down a set of legs nothing short of spectacular. Legs that I've journeyed up many times, savoring, each delicious inch. Soon, if she deems me worthy, those legs, those soft creamy thighs will have my face buried deep in her lady parts, devouring her essence.

Had I known then what I know now, I'd still have a few lives left. As it is, I've used up 8 1/2 of my nine.

I've always said women associate sex with emotion while men can fuck anything and it means nothing. What an absolute crock of bullshit. I was never looking just for sex. What I was looking for was someone of the opposite sex to make me feel relevant again. Someone to tell me, convince me that I still mattered. Yes, I know how that all sounds and I sometimes question my own mental sobriety. I never should have switched from tequila to scotch. I needed validation from someone beautiful , someone exotic, someone so far out of my league in the real world and I found it in her.

Keep in mind that it's all just fantasy. I am paying her for a fantasy, to act a certain way for the hour or so that I am with her. She absolutely reserves the right to maintain a private life away from the hobby, as do I, as do you. What she does, is going to do, or what she has already done in her personal life is exactly that, personal and is of no concern of yours or mine. Doesn't she deserve at least that. Doesn't she deserve at least some semblance of privacy? Anonymity in the provider/client community is of the utmost importance. Without it, every single one of us is at risk and none of us can afford to let that happen.

In public she is my princess. In private she's my dirty little girl. She has talents that you can't put on resumes. She has done things to me, we have done things to each other would make Satan blush. Our eyes lock onto one another.

"Sin with me" she whispers. We kiss deeply, passionately. “Do you taste that? That's my soul on your lips” she purrs. We collapse into one another's arms onto her bed, peeling one another's clothes off. She feels like she's melting into me. Like our bodies are actually becoming one. She's like a human mitten designed to keep me warm. Her breasts are pressed into my chest and I can feel myself growing harder by the second. Her skin is soft and smooth. Even though she no longer possesses the figure of an 18 year old, I find her extremely appealing none the less. She knows how to touch, where to touch and more importantly when to touch. I kiss her neck and breath in her scent, a scent that will stay with me for days. I want to taste all of her, every inch and I want her to feel the heat from my breath while I explore her. At this moment there is no one else in the world. It's just us and she is mine.

You see the thing is this, and I've been thinking about this a lot lately. If it's done right and both parties understand the ground rules, the relationship that can evolve between a provider and a client is the perfect relationship. Think about it. You get exactly what you want (pussy) but you don't have to live with her and put up with all her quirks and bullshit. She in turn gets exactly what she wants (money) but she doesn't have to live with you and put up with all your quirks and bullshit...except for the hour or so you are with her. Its a win win.

I learned a very valuable lesson early in my hobby days. No one is who they seem to be or who they portray themselves to be. This is a business of fantasy, nothing more, nothing less. You can be whoever the fuck you wanna be and so can she, or whatever you pay her to be. But keep this in mind. Deep down, we're all still ourselves with all our vices, all our desires, all our insecurities and at the end of the day we're right back to where we started from...the real world. The thing about the real world is, you can't trust anyone. Well, come to find out the hard way, there are very, very few you can trust in the fantasy world as well. So thanks to a provider whom I met early on in my career (stupid choice of words I know but I couldn't think of another) who spent a good 2 and a half to 3 hours after a session schooling me on all things hobby related (she has since changed her name and moved to Texas) I learned to feed both hobbiest and providers little bits of information that if it came back to me could not hurt me to determine if you could be trusted. I got burned a couple of times, nothing serious but enough to find out who could be trusted, and that number I am sad to say is remarkably small.

There is a small amount of perspiration on her breasts. She is breathing hard. I like the way her chest rises and falls with each breath. I kiss and suck on her breasts. My hand traces down her body to between her legs which she opens when I get close. My hand can feel the heat coming from her before I even touch her there. I trace the insides of her thighs coming very close to her pussy but I don't touch it yet. I want her to tell me, either verbally or physically that she wants me to take her. She offers up her breasts to me, guiding each one into my hungry mouth and then she pushes herself, with a quick move of her hips onto my hand. I slide my finger from bottom to top, between her labia, avoiding her clit for the time being. She is very wet.

Don t ask her if she came. If you have to ask, she didn't. Sometimes I know, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I care, sometimes I don't. Do I want her to enjoy herself, absolutely I do. If making her cum is a deal breaker for you then ask her what she likes. More then likely, unless you know one another pretty good and she trusts you your going to get an answer along the lines of “this is about you honey, not me” And she would be right. If she was paying you, well that would be a different story. I applaud your desire to rock her world, hell who among us doesn't want that but bottom line is it's her job to make you feel like Anthony to her Cleopatra or for a more modern day example...it's her job to make you feel like Charlie fuckin' Sheen while your with her. Don't sweat the small stuff. If she wants to cum she will and if necessary will walk your ass through the process of just how to make that happen. Act like a gentleman but fuck her like an animal.

My finger goes into her easily.

I've often wondered but never asked. (I've since asked) Do chicks really like to be finger banged or are they just letting us get away with it since that would be the lady like thing to do? (The beauty I asked this of found it hilarious)

I find her G spot, that walnut feeling little thing about the first knuckle into her on the top of her vagina. I massage it with my finger and can feel it getting harder. She is close. Her head is back, her back is somewhat arched but I don't want her to cum yet. I want to taste her. I stare for a moment at what is now in front of me. I'm no longer touching her yet she is still wiggling, pushing herself toward me, searching for a touch or a lick.

You don't have to touch someone to feel them.

I place a hand on each thigh and open her up wide. She is dripping. She is red, her lady parts filled with blood, she is wanting. I kiss all around her pussy, only allowing myself to breath on it. I can smell her sex but I can't describe it. I'd bottle it if I could. I refuse to let her touch herself so her hands go to the back of my head and pull me in. I place my mouth over her, flicking my tongue over her clit, sucking her in. Her thighs tighten around my head and she presses herself into me. I can't breath. I chose her over everyone else because of this. She cums for me.(no, I didn't have to ask)

Do your homework. Read reviews that have been done on her. Find out what she likes and what she doesn't. Most reputable providers have a website. Take the time to read it and then if you still want to see her, contact her how it says to contact her. Don't be a douche bag and ask her what her rate is. Its on her website or its listed on one of her reviews. Ive seen to many dudes shot down before even getting their foot in the door because they ask stupid fucking questions clearly addressed on either her website or in reviews. Shot down by a hooker. Hey, it happened to me...once but in my case it was because I was too active.

She takes me into her mouth. Slowly at first. She's amazing, cupping my balls doing something with her tongue that is more then likely illegal in most states. She looks at me with her hazel eyes knowing that she has me. I twist her hair in my hand, pulling her away but she resist the pull and keeps at it. My mind drifts...I want to be inside of her. She reads my mind.

I want your cock inside of me”

She gets on her knee's, ass up, the perfect inward bend of her back with her head resting on her pillow. I grab her hips, and gloved up slide inside of her. This is paradise. She loves doggie almost as much as I do. It takes everything I've got not to cum. I love the way her pussy grips me, how her labia wraps itself around me, holding me. I wet my finger and slowly slide it inside of her ass and push down. I can feel myself sliding in and out of her. She is beautiful in every imaginable way and her soft moans which match my rhythm along with the occasional “fuck me” are driving me insane.

Do I recommend her. Yes and Yes. Established Blond's, Brunette's, Redhead's, tall, short, fat, skinny, young, old, barely legals, milfs, cougars, locals and traveling ladies. The buffet is endless and is delicious. Play with them all or find one that just does it for you and stick with her. It's your choice. Personally I prefer one, with a couple of back ups if she is not available for a variety of reasons but most importantly because the intimacy increases the more familiar you become with one another. Above all else keep in mind, she has the pussy...she makes the rules.

We finish in lazy missionary, one hand cupping her ass, the other around her throat. I pop but I don't want to pull out. We lay there for a few moments. No words, just our breathing.

Any regrets. Yeah a few. I never got to nail a midget or complete the Helen Keller.

I could on but I won't.

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Old 12-08-2013, 08:29 PM   #2
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Good luck my friend.... You'll be missed. You know how to get ahold of me..
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Old 12-08-2013, 09:32 PM   #3
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dammit-___here I was having an AWESOME night....My beloved Saints won!

THEN,I log here and find out one of my BELOVED hubbys is leaving me!

I am now sad!!! I will so miss your sweet lips on mine {the ones below the most}!!!!!!!!!
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Old 12-09-2013, 08:18 AM   #4
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The ladies are not the only one's that will miss you my friend. Thanks for all you have shared, both publicly and privately. Best wishes to you my friend
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Old 12-09-2013, 11:53 AM   #5
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"There beneath the Roman ruin where the purple flowers grow.
Came that "Ave atque Vale" of the poet's hopeless woe.
Tenderest of Roman poets nineteen hundred years ago."

Alfred Tennyson.

Hail and farewell sir. You are always welcome here.

Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus.
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Old 12-09-2013, 11:53 AM   #6
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I will miss you too..Hope everything is always good for you.
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Old 12-09-2013, 01:46 PM   #7
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I was just telling Michelle last week, every time I see a provider I hope it's the last time. She said, "I remember you telling me that years ago."

All the best to you, bro. Merry Fuckin' Christmas.
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Old 12-09-2013, 04:22 PM   #8
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Going to miss you my dear friend. You were my first in DSM and always a true friend who I loved to spend time with on or off the clock.

We know how to reach each other.

We'll always have Cracker Barrel and sock monkey!!!
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Old 12-09-2013, 09:21 PM   #9
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Sucks we never got to meet :/ but good luck and big hugs <3!
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Old 12-10-2013, 11:37 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA View Post
Sucks we never got to meet :/ but good luck and big hugs <3!
It's a shame you and I haven't met either, but when we do there will definitely be a lot of sucking goin' on.
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Old 12-10-2013, 12:23 PM   #11
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How you make me blush. Lol well hopefully other DSM guys get on board if I try again.
Well....at least he ended on a good note. Cheers to that .
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Old 12-10-2013, 08:01 PM   #12
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Talking Please quit writing while inebriated...

Well, I would love to wish you the absolute best in all your future endeavors...however I KNOW this does not apply to me!!!
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Old 12-10-2013, 08:35 PM   #13
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Adios Amigo ! All the best to you ! Cy
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Old 12-10-2013, 10:08 PM   #14
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Couture & I will just have to find new playtoy for our doubles! You will be missed!
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Old 12-11-2013, 11:03 PM   #15
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Say it isn't so. Damn, wish we could have met and raised a glass or two
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