Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
looks like you disabled your account.
I do use soap. just once in awhile I do use it.
if I smell smelly smelly, i'll use soap. i try to do a quick shower for the most part without soap for the most part.
why is not using soap a bad thing?
you make too many ass-umptions here, seeking p. I do use wash towels, afterall, I have to wipe down the armpits and orifices.
Not using soap doesn't work. You guys need to understand how bacteria works. Soap isn't just for scent... if you don't kill the bacteria they will just multiply off the surviors. Meaning you may reduce the smell after a fresh no soap shower, but not even 2 hours later I guarantee ull stink again. But that isn't even the main problem because I can promise that behind your ears and ass Crack still smell like shit if you don't use soap... bad smell is from bacteria taking a dump all over ur body basically and it builds up over time. I'll put it this way, if you fell In dog shit would you just wash that away with only water and no soap? It's basically the same thing.
That's about as much as I'll say without getting all scientific.