Originally Posted by WTF
I think everyone is biased ............If half the posters are afraid to say they see some bias , that does not mean that there is no bias.
These two points seem to go well together.
When you say 1/2, you mean the women that were issued points and you - right? Given that the women pointed are hot, and you like hot women, all this whining and dragging out something that SHOULD have been dead a long time ago seems to be steeped in bias from all sides there.
The deal is, that people were REALLY mean on that closed thread. Really mean. There is NO REASON to accuse people of being old and ugly and having old pics. There just isn't. As matter of fact, it smacks of a hostility between women that typically comes from having a man taken or being jealous. Your continued interest seems to be more from being bored (and WK the hot, mean girls) than an actual interest in the subject manner....
Personally, if I were the woman people directed those things at, I wouldn't have been upset. Just like I wouldn't be upset if they called me green. The things they said aren't true and don't become true because someone says it it. I'm never going to get upset over someone else being wrong and I wish that she wouldn't either.
And lets say I'm wrong - the mean girls aren't jealous and they think what they said is true. WHY? If you felt a woman was older and more fragile, WHY would you hurt them financially and emotionally? And WTF - why would you defend the consequences of such cruelty? It all just seems so